These days, I often have a Kindle Vella story open on one of my tabs, waiting until my next break. I can easily squeeze an episode or three into my schedule. The authors appreciate any reads, and I love sampling a wide variety of stories.
What is Kindle Vella?
Kindle Vella is a new serialized reading platform from Amazon. Each story is released one “episode” at a time. Typically authors release at least one episode each week. Episodes range from 600 to 6000 words, with 1000 to 2000 as the most typical. That’s about the average length of a typical novel chapter. One of my favorite stories releases tiny episodes (600 words) daily, so it’s easy to slip a bit of reading into my busy schedule.
How do I use it?
Reading on Kindle Vella requires an Amazon account. Currently, it is only open to the United States. I read on my laptop, but you can also read it on their iOS app, and recently they added it to their Android app as well. Kindle Vella is a new program, so it is still growing and expanding.
What does it cost?
The first three episodes of every story are always free. Each new reader also gets at least 200 free tokens to start. Each token unlocks 100 words. Tokens cost $1.99 for 200 tokens, with greater discounts for buying more at once.
How do I interact with stories?
Each story has a “follow” option so you can keep track of your favorites. At the end of each episode, you’ll have the option to give it a thumbs up. Each week that you use paid tokens (not the first free ones) to unlock an episode, you earn a “fave” which you can give to your favorite story. The 250 stories with the most faves get on the “top crowned” list, so these are coveted by authors. There are also more traditional reviews, like other Amazon stories.
Each episode in Kindle Vella ends with an author’s note. The author can leave background information about the story, and they may invite you to reach out and connect on social media, if you choose.
What genres are included?
Whatever your favorite type of book, you can find it on Kindle Vella. Romance is queen, as everywhere. Fantasy comes in second. From children’s books to non-fiction, you can find almost everything on Kindle Vella. In addition to genres, each story has up to seven tags that reveal genre. Click on the tag, and you’ll get similar stories.
Kindle Vella is an exciting new platform, and it’s still growing. Why not give it a try?
Have you used Kindle Vella? Let me know in the comments below!