If you’ve experienced any of these symptoms, you might be obsessed with free ebooks!
- You carry around your ereader so you can read whenever you have the chance.
- You’re a ninja at downloading ebooks from different retailers onto your device.
- You bought another ereader so you can download free ebooks from more retailers.
- You enter any giveaway you can find so you can win another ereader.
- People know not to interrupt you when you have your ereader out.
- There’s no need to socialize at work during lunch; you’ve got your ebook.
- You download all the good free ebooks you can get your hands on.
- Your friends tell you that you read too many ebooks.
- Your ebook to-read pile just keeps growing and growing no matter how fast you read.
- You know you’re in good company here at Book Cave!
Happy reading!
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I’ve started being more choosy about which free books I download. I have several rooms filled with boxes and piles of physical books. Some are inventory, but many are ones I want to keep until I’ve read. I don’t often get to them because it’s so much easier to read an ebook at the gym or in a waiting room. Of course, once I start an ebook, I want to finish it, and that means I don’t get much writing done that night. I need to make a dent in my physical library so I can give away the books that aren’t keepers and get some of my house back.
I definitely have all 10 and I am obsessed with free books. I am an avid reader and I find no fault in that. I’ll keep downloading and reading every chase I get. So keep them coming.
Ouch!, but it looks like I am in good company!……..how many of us wake up around 2 to read more knowing the hubs, or wife, will sleep through it since you remembered routinely to set the light on your e-reader of choice > I have 4 Kindles and one Kobo….Don’t like it so much…..and it it IS NOT BEING ANTISOCIAL!, we can say that all your friends do it too, like Paula ,Joy, David, Rayna, Marene, Ardy, Sharon, Norma, (I have 22000, just in Amazon, God help us if they go down!), Sharon,LYNN I have been told by a reading-holic priest, that people like us will still be able to read in heaven,Peach and Sharon, Rosemary, Winnifred, Rachel B. Mary W., Jane, Charlotte, and Emily, (All three of them would be addicted too!) Angela, Corine, Peter and Paul and maybe Mary too, Brenda, April, may, Paula, Azzie, Monpod,……oh! my favorite kindle just charged up gotta go…….I also cruise for books I can afford on SSI…….
Oh so true…then I read and suddenly I realise there are urgent reviews to be done, and then I read those first, then I go back to the ones I started to read (if I remember them) and in between I find even more and download them.
I think I might have a problem lol….
You forgot number 11-you book mark the 10 signs web page because it’s so darn accurate you have to share it with your other book nerd friends
I’m so glad I took the time to read comments on this site. I was thinking that I need to cut back on my “free books” – or any more books, if it comes to that. The comments made me realize I’m not quite as bad as I thought. I could actually only answer yes to three of the ten above. I do think that I’ll never get them all read, though – and I’m 65. I only read before bedtime, waiting rooms and the beauticians so…. I am going to start “listening” while on the treadmill, though – that’s why I just got the Fire 7. Anyhow…. now I can tell my hubby that I’m not the only “reader nut” out there (his words, not mine) 🙂 !
You hit the nail on the head
I have filled up 3 tablets so far. The internal memory is just too small. I have over 12000 books at home and over 7000+ ebooks. I read over 1200 words per minute so I can read a couple of books a day. So much fun. And I still get to do other things.
I am proud to be 10/10!
Guilty as charged
? I am obsessed with ebooks! I really can’t help myself.
These do not seem terribly accurate way of measuring an obsession with free ebooks as only 3 actually mentions this topic.
The others do specifically cover digital rather than other forms of reading but given that several of your respondents are even older than I am (only fifty years since I became a teenager) some of these might only indicate others also (partially) replacing dog-eared paperbacks with ereaders.
Overconsumption of “free” ebooks is probably detrimental to the future of authors and production of stories worth reading. Proliferation of samples, extracts and shorts masquerading as ebooks and inflated ratings certainly makes it harder to find the ones that are actually good value, also overpromotions tend to rapidly eat into the time available to do so.
I admit it, I’m guilty!! I love my ebooks. I guess I’m antisocial!
Yep, that’s me, and you MyBookCave are a contributing factor, lol!
Yep! Over half of those sounds like me! 66 years old and still love to read! ?
My family just shakes their heads at me!
Whoever thought this up is a smarty! LOL
Glad I came here to find out my list isn’t nearly as long as most s of yours! HAHAHA!
As a newly retired teacher, I am inspired by all of those who are older than me, but wiser, and are as excited as I am about free ebooks. Reading is my passion, and now I have time to read and write.
I only hit 8 out of 10…………lol
John, you need to try harder. 80% is passing, but go for the gold!
I am guilty. If I’m reading why isn’t everyone else. There’s hardly anything in life free anymore.
Do you think I can take my ereader to heaven with me?
St. Peter may confiscate it, so he can enjoy the new technology. Better than lugging those old tomes or scrolls around!!
I am guilty of about half of the list,
I thought I was being greedy buying so many free books I am 89 and hopefully I will get to read them all but I will keep searching for them
This is soooo me!!!!!! I love receiving the free books and discovering new authors. This usually leads me to purchase other books by that same author or others like them.
I’m guilty of about all of the above but I know I’m in good company! 🙂
And you waste time not reading but going over mails and sites searching for freebies.
Yes, I spend more time looking for books than actually reading them. It’s so sad. What I do that actually makes sense is I put down every book by authors I like on my Amazon wish list. Then I check it daily to see if any books have price drops. That’s using my time wisely. I also have cut back on contests and therefore newsletters. If I don’t like an author, I unsubscribe. Life is too short to read author emails all day. And I review books I like. That’s time well spent.
Thanks for the great tip (Amazon wishlist), I have also cut back on contests
You must know there are LOTS of places to get freebies, most of which do not sign you up for newsletters – like Smashwords (over 70,000), BookBub, ManyBooks (at least 30,000), OHFB (One Hundred Free Books – hundreds), etc. Some on Amazon’s reduced-price list also appear free on some of the other sites.
I find that reading some of the newsletters helps me peg authors for nationality. Beta reading involves being aware of cultural differences, as well as bloopers, so you aren’t arrogant enough to claim the formal American way is the only way. Besides, sometimes the authors relish reader comments and get inspiration as well as guidance of preferences from them. At the very least, I skim most newsletters quickly and mark a few for more careful reading later. When reading intensively, you need a variety of kinds of input to separate stories and just relax from deep concentration.
Absolutely right. I started getting free ebooks in 2014 and I now have over 7600 books. I love to read. Always have, always will. And now with this modern technology, I can listen to my ereader while I drive. Ain’t God good!
That’s me, LOL : )
This is so me. I have over 6000 ebooks in the cloud. My feeling is too many books and not enough life to read them all
I have over double that amount through Amazon, and another 2500 side loaded.
I prefer through Amazon as I can keep track with one search, where freebies and others end up under the author’s first name, if at all.
I do review every book I read, including bonus books, on Goodreads, Amazon.com and amazon.com.au, so I feel I give back as much as I receive.
I budget the cost of an Aussie cup of coffee a day on books.
It is hard, really hard to stay in budget, but the more free books, the better.
I’m retiring soon, so will have time to catch up!! LOL.
Delighted to hear others leave reviews every time! As a beta reader, I constantly see authors who really, really need the feedback and the help reviews give! You may be surprised at how tight your schedule becomes once you retire, though–trust me, I’m there. Have to relate a funny. As an ongoing tutor of over 30 years, I sometimes run into former students and their families. One older brother was on the phone with is younger brother, looked up at me, laughed, and said, “I just ran into your tutor!” Once off the phone, he related that “Michael” always thought I was the weirdest person in the world because I dive into books with a passion, to see what they say, to get new ideas, to get inspiration, etc. “But it must have rubbed off, because Michael graduated!” We got into a discussion about free ebooks and free ereaders, which surprised him, but I showed him on my laptop just Amazon’s thousands of freebies. He did some quick browsing, found a couple of favorite authors, and grinned hugely. “I am definitely going home to do this!” I told him every author can use a review, and some truly need them for survival. He was impressed that his opinion would matter. (Dusts hands.) Another winner.
Now that is true inspiration
I’m embarrassed to say I have nearly 60K in the cloud – but they cover all sorts of stuff like recipes, research, classics, horror, recipes, mysteries, nonfiction, recipes,…
Wow, and I thought having 2500 (give or take) books was alot. Happy reading!
Hi Mary
Really glad you have so many books.
You have made my day I have 6340 ebooks and have worked out
I need to live at least another 14 years (if I don’t download anymore)
That’s reading one book a day I am 73 now so am getting concerned I will go before
I read all my books.My children and grandchildren think I am potty but know not to speak to me if I am reading ?
I will be 79 July 8 and I have 12,058 ebooks. I don’t know whether I will get them read or not, but I will never be without a book to read!! That would scare me to death! At least my mind is at rest that I will always have something to read.
Oboy, you got me! Butttt I’m not fully immersed, yet. Husband says at 80-something even at the speed I read can I possibly read ’em all. Probly true but oh don’t I have FUN!!
Love free e-books!
What should I do? I do not want to be gready.
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Don’t worry at all about being greedy – download as many as you like; this is because authors send books out for free to garner reviews of that book, and the more books that are downloaded the more reviews that are made since only a small percentage of people actually go to the trouble of writing a review. (This boosts the ratings of that particular author in {for example) Amazon , it brings them to the attention of actual book publishers, and then hopefully to newspaper and magazine recommendations. I used to download everything that was vaguely interesting, but that led to many many books that I will never get around to reading. Now I am more discerning: before I download a book I read the reviews first, and try to make my decision based on that. I don’t want to waste my time reading something others don’t recommend.
That said, it is VERY important for readers to leave reviews of books, not just to give an idea to other readers whether you liked it or not and why, but to give feedback to the author of what they thought of that book: they are often re-written simply because of readers’ reviews. So, download and enjoy – periodically you will find absolute gems.
Absolutely addictited, but I still get my responsibilities done. Lol! ? Love reading, can’t do without my book ?
yes but i might be gready if i spend more tme looking for free books than readiung
10 for 10! I’m obsessed!
That is so true , you can never get enough free books! It gives you a way to read new Authors and if you like then read more of their books.
I hit most of the above?
Boy I guess I’m just rookie only have about 400 but I love to read
Oh my. Too true of me. I do have a life outside of books though.
yup that’s me to all of the above