Technical Tips,Tutorials How Email Templates Can Help Authors Email templates, otherwise know as canned responses, allow you to save a response; you can pull up an existing template and only fill in key information, so you don’t have to retype common emails. These templates can make answering your email faster and easier!
Technical Tips,Tutorials Setting up a Series Promotion to Sell More Books Book Cave offers the option to turn your retailer feature promotion into a series promotions, another great avenue for marketing your books!
Tutorials,Writing for Authors Expert Tips for Getting ChatGPT to Sound More Human Did you know that there are several things you can do to get AI to sound more like you and less like itself? Let’s take a look at several tricks and tips to up your ChatGPT writing game.
Promotion & Marketing,Technical Tips,Tutorials Using Stencil to Easily Create Images for Any Occasion Do you need a way to create cool images for your blog or social media? Create images for any occasion with this easy program that everyone can use.
Technical Tips,Tutorials,Writing for Authors Read Your Book Aloud: How to Use the Microsoft Word Text-to-Speech Feature Every author should give the Microsoft Word Text-to-Speech feature a try as they fine-tune their manuscripts. When you listen to your book aloud, your ears will find many errors, repetitive words, and even plot flaws that your eyes (and the eyes of others) have often missed.
Technical Tips,Tutorials Free Screenshot Tool You’ll Be Glad You Heard About Most of us are familiar with the screenshot button on our keyboards, but what if you want only a small part of the screen? What you need is a free screenshot tool to make your life easier.
Tutorials New Book Cave Elements and Themes! With our addition of elements and elements, you can better target an audience that is looking for certain content, regardless of genre.
Technical Tips,Tutorials Ebook Editing Using Macros Ebook editing can be overwhelming, since the quality of editing can make or break a novel. There are some techniques you can use to self-edit your book, and one of these is macros. Read on to discover how to create and use macros!
Mailing Lists,Technical Tips,Tutorials Tips for Running a Subscriber Magnet Group There are significant advantages to being the creator of a subscriber magnet group, so why not give it a try?
Promotion & Marketing,Technical Tips,Tutorials Advanced Google Search Tactics for Authors As an author, using the advanced Google search tactics will not only help you research for your book more effectively, it will save you loads of time.
Promotion & Marketing,Tutorials What Authors Should include in a Review Request Email Having reviews can help you sell more books, but getting those first few reviews can be difficult. Here are some tips on writing a review request, along with a template to help you get it right the first time.
Promotion & Marketing,Tutorials How to Join a Group Retailer Promotion To join a group retailer promotion on My Book Cave, where you can reach even more readers, follow these steps.
Promotion & Marketing,Publishing Tips,Technical Tips,Tutorials How to discount your ebook on Barnes & Noble Barnes & Noble is one of the big ebook publishing sites. So if you’re planning a promotion, how do you discount your ebook on Barnes & Noble? Let’s take a look.
Promotion & Marketing,Publishing Tips,Technical Tips,Tutorials How to discount your ebook on Smashwords Price is an important element that we review when considering submitted books, and one popular site for ebook distribution is Smashwords. So how do you discount your ebook on Smashwords? Here’s how.
Mailing Lists,Promotion & Marketing,Tutorials Joining and Creating Subscriber Magnet Group Promotions Group promotions involve multiple authors giving away their books for free on one convenient page, and they are a great way to reach even more readers. If you’re unsure how to join or set up a giveaway, this tutorial will show you how!
Promotion & Marketing,Publishing Tips,Technical Tips,Tutorials How to Discount Your eBook on iTunes Discounting your book on iTunes might look complicate, but here are some simple steps to get you ready for your next My Book Cave promotion.
Mailing Lists,Promotion & Marketing,Technical Tips,Tutorials How to Add a Subscriber Magnet Book on Your Dashboard Subscriber magnets are a fabulous way to build your newsletter lists and ultimately sell more books. If you need help putting up your subscriber magnet, this tutorial will walk you through it step-by-step.
Promotion & Marketing,Publishing Tips,Technical Tips,Tutorials How to Discount Your eBook on Amazon How do you discount your ebook on a big vendor like Amazon? There are a few ways to discount your ebook on Amazon, depending on whether or not your book is just published through KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) or published through KDP AND enrolled in KDP Select.
Ebook Formatting,Technical Tips,Tutorials How to Add a Watermark to an eBook in Jutoh Need to add a watermark to your ebook? You can do it in Jutoh by following these simple steps.