Being an author can feel isolating, especially with the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are 8 ways you can connect with other authors.
- There are Facebook groups out there for authors; simply search for “[genre] authors” to find a group that writes in your genre. Once your request to join is approved, make the most of the group by responding to questions, asking your own questions, and providing encouragement to others.
- There are also groups you can join on Goodreads, made up of both authors and readers.
- Writers’ Associations. These professional organizations give you a way to learn more about writing and publishing and meet and talk to other writers. They often have job boards, writing retreats, writing contests, and online resources. They do usually require a membership fee, though.
- Writer’s Conference. These conferences allow you to learn more about and hone your craft, as well as talk to and make friends with other authors. This year, many conferences have been moved to be online only, so you can still attend them if you aren’t going to a conference in person.
- Writing Retreat: A retreat is done with a smaller group of people, where you focus mostly on your own projects but have some time to connect with other authors and give and receive feedback.
- Writing Classes. A writing class can help you improve your writing and connect you with other authors. Writing classes are often offered as continuing education classes through local colleges and universities.
- Leave a comment on another author’s blog post—you can connect with that author or with one of their readers.
- Cold Call (Email). Find an author who writes in the same genre or who is in a similar space (e.g., debut author, established author, an author in the middle of these), and send them an email saying you love their book and offering to give some feedback. By first offering to help, you don’t look like a spammer; not all of these will result in friendships, but some will!
Once you’ve made some author connections, be sure to keep those connections alive! Authors tend to get distracted by the worlds in their heads, so be sure to schedule some time with your connections for a Skype call, to grab lunch, or just an email chat.
How do you connect with other authors? We’d love to hear in the comments below.