We’re passionate about connecting the right readers to the right books, and we’ve focused on doing this by sending readers discounted ebook deals that match their preferences. But we’ve heard from both readers and authors the desire for us to add audiobook deals to our ebook offerings.
Similar to our book features for ebooks, our audiobook offerings would send readers deals that match their preference, which they can then purchase at a discounted price (usually for a limited time) from their retailer of choice. But beyond that generality, we’re looking for feedback from authors and readers to hear how you would like this feature implemented!
Here are a few questions on our minds:
- Are you interested in occasionally receiving discounted audiobooks along with your free and discounted daily deals?
- Do you think audiobooks should only be allowed to be promoted with ebook deals or would you be interested in seeing audiobook-only deals?
- What price range are you willing to pay for audiobooks? What would you consider a steep discount for an audiobook?
- Please keep in mind that audiobook production costs are quite a bit more than ebook costs and therefore come with a higher base price. We would be less likely to see free audiobook deals but are considering an upper cap of $5.99 for most books, and $9.99 for longer books (or instead, perhaps at least 75% off longer audiobooks), with all audiobooks being at least 50% off.
- Would you also want to see reasonably priced audiobooks that aren’t discounted, or would you prefer to see audiobooks in our newsletter only when they are deeply discounted?
- What retailers would you like to be able to download your audiobooks from? Spotify, Kobo, Google, Findaway, Chirp, Amazon?
- What other thoughts do you have about adding audiobooks to our daily deals newsletter?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. We look forward to hearing from you!
Happy reading.
I prefer audiobooks and love to get information on discounted books from Book Cave.
I have an Audible Premium Plus account, I can get some great deals; however, I have a limited budget and like to get information on low-priced audiobooks.
I do have four library cards and can get many audiobooks from those libraries via, the Libby and Hoopla apps. Getting more information on audiobooks that I may be interested in would be helpful to guide in searching those apps for audiobooks.
I do buy audiobooks. I buy most at a discount from chirp books. I would be fine with ebooks and audiobooks together, especially if both are discounted.
I am listening to audiobooks more and more, so yes for discounted audiobooks! But just deeply discounted, as I already use Audible and can get them a bit cheaper ♀️
And I think it’s better to include them in the same email, just separate inside somehow, as my inbox is already busy
I’d love to see audiobooks included in the discounted books offered! Im mostly interested in deeply discounted audiobooks, but I am fine choosing what to buy.
My apps of choice are Chirp and Audible.
I read 243 books last year and most of them were read by my ears while I knit and did chores and searched pictorial content on the web. So I would welcome another source of deeply discounted and free audios. I would also welcome more ARCs in audio. But I hate “Virtual Audio”. So let’s not go there.
Audio books – my reader of choice is Kobo. I’m just getting into “reading” them now. Not a big fan of AI reads. I prefer the expressions of a human.
HOWEVER – super annoyed that the odd free one that comes out will only allow you to download it by setting up a free trial account. I don’t want a free trial account. So far I haven’t found enough Audio books that I want to read that would make it worth a subscription. And you can’t free trial more than once. So, I would be wasting my free trial if / when I get further into them.
I mostly read audio books now that I’m getting older and the text size in most books are too small for me to see easily. I do read ebooks also when I have a little time to myself to do so. Right now, I only read from Amazon on the Kindle or Audible apps, but look at deals from other providers. I really only buy these on significant discounts, except for specific authors I read as soon as their new books come out.
I do almost exclusively audio books. They allow me to “read” while still moving my body! I purchase direct from authors, audible, apple etc. While discounts are the best I am typically willing to pay for my favorite authors. If the author is unknown to me I usually won’t spend more than $5.
I prefer audiobooks and often purchase or borrow the audiobook of a hardcover/paperback/ebook so that I can continue reading on the go. I would prefer an audiobook only email separate from ebooks. Deep discounts 50% or more from any audiobook provider would be welcomed. I have purchased audiobooks from audible, chirp, Kobo, google, libro.fm, audiobooks.com and downpour.
Free & deeply discounted, all versions, Amazon
Discount audiobooks would be an excellent addition. Some authors offer books and audiobooks directly (via BookFunnel). BookFunnel, Chirp annd other alternatives should definitely be included with the main conglomerates. Audiobooks separate from ebooks would seem to offer more opportunity, and cost is relative, so offer the best you can find and overtime, you’ll learn what is the most desirable/affordable price point for your subscribers. Thank you.
I would like to know of discounted books $7.99 or less from Chirp, Kobo, and/or Amazon audible books would be cool.
Audiobook offers are always a great idea.
more audios I do Audible
The more audios, the better! My screen time is limited but I need stories!
I do read Ebooks, but audiobooks are what I read the most. I like that I can listen while doing something else. I am a busy mom.
I do not do audio books at all. But I have friends that only do audio books. The offers have to be separate so one can order e-book if they desire or audio if they want. That would meet the needs of both kinds of “readers”.
I absolutely love audiobooks, especially when I’m driving or doing chores. As much as I love them, I do not like to hear them read by AI, at least right now, the experience is nowhere close to what we get with human narrators.
I would love to see discounted audiobooks either on their own or along with ebooks. As for price, the caps mentioned seem reasonable. I am most familiar with Spotify, Google and Amazon.
Thanks for considering the addition of audiobooks!
I love the idea of including audiobooks, either as their own newsletter or with the eBook deals. I’m open to any type of deal, but the more money saved, the better! I would consider a good discount to be a steep percentage, like 75%, or under $5.00 for a novel. Not interested so much in books that are always less than other typical ones unless it’s a superb deal. The platforms I buy audiobooks at are Audible, Spotify, and Chirp. Not wild about Kobo, as their audiobook app regularly doesn’t work.
One other thing I’d like to know about a book is whether it has a human narrator(s) or is virtual voice. So many books lately at Amazon have been virtual voice.