In her previous life, Shirley Corder was a registered nurse and busy minister's wife and mother. Following a confrontation with aggressive cancer in 1997, she turned her hobby of writing…
Chelle Pimblott
Autumn Bardot is the author of stories about fearless women and dangerous passions. She writes historical fiction, historical erotica, and contemporary fantasy. Her 4-book urban fantasy series is written under…
Kristina Miranda
I write young adult novels about empowered girls in fun situations that always include a dog or a horse, and a worthy crush. If I'm not writing, I'm probably cheering…
Muddy Frank
Muddy Frank writes humorous children's chapter books, plus memoirs. She lives in a ski resort in France. 'I see the Mt Blanc from my balcony every day. I love it…
AJ Campbell
AJ Campbell is the debut author of the Amazon bestselling novel Leave Well Alone. An alumna of the Faber Academy, she writes in the psychological suspense and family drama genres.…
C.L. Denault
C.L. Denault is a speculative fiction writer who loves dreaming up tales of adventure and intrigue. A former systems analyst, she gave up her nerdy code-writing skills to care for…
Nathalie Laine
Nathalie Laine is a children's fantasy author. She lives a safe distance away from the ocean, in Paris, France, where she works in marketing. She enjoys: poking her finger into…
Lauren H Salisbury
A.L. Hawke
A.L. Hawke lives in Southern California torching the midnight candle over lovers against a backdrop of machines, nymphs, magic, spice and mayhem. The author has published seven books specializing in…
Paul Regnier
Paul Regnier is a mystery and speculative fiction author. Stories of adventure, mystery, and humor are constantly flying through his head. Sometimes they end up in a book. Paul is…
Sharn W Hutton
I've written a couple of mysteries as 'Sharn Hutton' and am now writing middle grade magical fantasy as 'Sharn W Hutton' to separate the genres.
Alice McVeigh
Alice McVeigh was born in South Korea, of American diplomatic parents, and lived in Asia until she was 13, when the family returned to Washington D.C. She then fell in…
Colleen Cowley
Writer of romantic fantasy, fan of coats that billow impressively and owner of a wardrobe that is not a portal to another dimension.
Robert A. Fee
A self-published author, Robert enjoys traveling and writing. Continuing the epic adventure from his first book "The Wolf Lord", Robert has just released "Wolf Eye", the third and final book…
Cori Cooper
Cori Cooper lives in the BEAUTIFUL Arizona mountains, which she's pretty sure is the setting for every fairy tale! When she isn't writing, reading or daydreaming, she loves to bake,…
flynn mariano
®️ I am a full time writer of fiction and non-fiction. I am an electronic engineer, you could say that I am a specialist in marketing and internet technologies and…
Aaron Denius
MayCay Beeler
As a TV Personality, I initially learned to fly for a television assignment that would charm, craft and change the course of my life in unexpected ways. Through my passionate…
Kate Smith
Kate lives in beautiful British Columbia, Canada. She always loved reading, devouring book after book, which soon turned into a love of writing fiction. When she'd not writing, she loves…