Once upon a time, there was a negotiator…
This negotiator wasn’t just good at negotiating but was amazingly cute as well. Then one day the cute person came in contact with a creative baboon.
This baboon wasn’t just serious and dull but a bit of an eye roll as well; you get the picture right? Anyway, there was no comparison of these two and yet they became inseparable.
While the negotiator was making sure that everything in the relationship didn’t go to the dumps, the baboon continued to be the spoilsport. With time however, the negotiator not only won every argument, which was not a surprise at all, but managed to spark some life in the baboon as well.
So although the baboon was a great wordsmith and knew the art of words and the beauty of linking them together, none of that fancy artwork came to any use because the negotiator was very assertive and the baboon inevitably caved in every, single, time.
And that’s how my story actually ends.
As for the beginning, well, that is for a separate time, but the middle part is kind of exciting because it includes a ton of stuff such as professional education, marriage, online courses, a baby, founding a web consulting agency, a fill-in-the-blank husband, a camera, lots of Lego pieces, some NY cheese cakes, many peaceful moments, Nike Shoes, restful sleep, a divorce, the making of a refund queen, killer ironing skills, a few professional ventures involving helmets, packages and stickers, interior designing, two novels, an ongoing custody battle and music… but not all of it in this order of course.
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