The author began his writing career after retiring from years of serving in the public sector. E T McNamara attended St. John's University and Rollins College, attaining his degree in economics and doing post-graduate work in financial management. He has always been interested in history, and he also describes himself as a romantic who enjoys a good love story. His other interests include landscape photography, where he has received national recognition for his work. Married with three children and four grandchildren, the author believes that writing late in life is an advantage. His varied background includes being a police supervisor, a criminal investigator, a SWAT team member, a supervising court clerk, and the court administrator in charge of New York City's night courts. He has also spent time as a Marine reservist, a district assistant manager for a major insurance company, and a NASDAQ registered representative. Altogether, these positions have provided him with real-life experiences to incorporate into his novels. The author enjoys creating a believable story and developing characters with whom his readers can identify. He believes that if the readers feel better after reading the story than before, he will have achieved his objective.
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