Set in the steamy equatorial rainforest of Nicaragua, Tropical Depression tells a poignant, touchingly funny tale of a young couple, Lupe and Ascensión Guzman, who, after being deported from the United States, have returned to their jungle village of Krukrulitos at the foot of the percolating volcano Momotombo. Here they struggle to readjust to life under one roof with Ascensión’s overbearing, over-opinionated, up-in-your-business extended family where emotions are always simmering and the roost is ruled by Ascensión’s mother, the family’s iron-willed matriarch.
Lupe and Ascensión grieve privately, in what little privacy they can find, for the American-born child they were forced to leave behind and Lupe suffers from bouts of depression that Ascensión’s relatives see as laziness from having lived in American comfort and make her the target of her mother-in-law’s wrath and her sister-in-law’s envy.
But a chain of events begins to unwind that causes Lupe to find her voice and strength, forces Ascensión to man up to his family, and offers both the hope of seeing their child again.