In the demi-god’s wake, a stone-plague creeps across the lands and Never must stop the ancient decay before it swallows everyone he cares for.
Despite his determination, there is no cure and no guarantee that even his Amouni blood will be enough. Never’s search for the means to fight back leads him to the Amber Isle once more, where the island continues to hold its secrets close.
But it is there that Never encounters the beautiful and mysterious Rikeva, a Quisoan Weaver on her own quest, and realizes that together, there might be a way to stop the plague after all . . .
Throne of Leaves by Ashley Capes 5/5
Never’s work to save the world still hasn’t ended! This time he’s up against Oleksan, the Plague King, who works in subtle ways against the Winged Hero. New and old characters make this a fascinating read as more Amouni powers come to light. But, I’m wondering, if Snow’s original plan has now come to fruition! The ending is totally unexpected! I’m really looking forward to book 9!