A mysterious mercenary known as Blain Ross is reactivated as an officer of the UTCN (United Terran Confederate Navy) after a tenuous reunion with his former C. O. Under orders of the Confederate Naval Command, he is informed of the rising threat of a very powerful race known as the Nurii. As events unfold, Blain becomes aware of his latent psychic abilities.
After failing to comply with orders to destroy a Nurii military convoy, Blain is branded a traitor by his C.O. Blain’s search for absolute truth continues when he finds his life at risk as several top-secret agencies attempt to hijack the intelligence he was entrusted with.
Blain’s endeavor to complete the perilous mission that has been bestowed upon him results in a fatal race to find the Sixth Eye, an ancient artifact of great importance that is filled with dark, legendary powers that could bring the Colonies into a full-scale galactic war beyond imagination. Humanity and all the other races in the galaxy would face a terrible fate of Armageddon and perish in an onslaught of horror by a powerful serpent.