The bacon-loving vigilante continues his adventure against the evil Hybrid Corporation. More zombie action, love, hot steamy romance, and of course, bacon!
In the sixth episode of The Fifth Survivor, Dawn and George are picked up by Dawn’s friend, Hondo. George has no idea who Hondo might be or even what his allegiance is. Nevertheless, George will attempt to make good friends with Hondo, who’s a brawler sub-class.
After meeting Hondo, George notices that things begin to calm down a bit when it comes to Hybrid. He takes the time to get to know Dawn even better. However, before he can get too giddy with Dawn, George gets a surprise call from an ‘old friend.’
With his love life all over the place, George gets a call from his boss, Sean Callahan to interview a Hybrid supervisor who is taking over a hot sauce warehouse located in Poughkeepsie, New York. The hot sauce warehouse has been in the area for close to one-hundred years and has been run by an affluent African-American family. While George decides to go solo to the warehouse, Dawn ‘convinces’ him to take her with him figuring they might get the lowdown on the next Hybrid scheme. After the interview, George and Dawn decide they want to talk to the owner of the hot sauce warehouse by taking advantage of the interview George is doing.
Before they can talk to the owner, they notice that the people begin to act and look abnormal. When they’re able to put two and two together, they find out that they’re in the middle of the next zombie outbreak. The two of them find out that the owner is still alive and they make it their duty to save him. Can the two of them save the owner from Hybrid’s latest Raven Hawk spread? Also, what does Hybrid want with a hot sauce factory? George prepares to enter the lion’s den once again.
Season two continues as George’s love life continues to become more complex and Hybrid’s sinister acts continue to get even worse. A fair warning to those who might be reading . . . This book does contain mild to moderate level sexual references, nothing out of the ordinary but enough that it might not be appropriate for much younger readers. Don’t say you weren’t warned and enjoy!