The groundbreaking Nordic crime thriller series with all the style of classic noir detective fiction.
The year is 2068. In Eldísvík city state, on the edge of the Arctic Circle, a police “decoy” agent contravenes orders and slaughters members of a criminal gang. Inspector Nero Cavallo must hunt this unidentified decoy agent down before she strikes again.
Meanwhile, Bruno Mastriano, a young man wandering alone in the snow, is captured by a gang of militants.
When a beautiful trainee joins Nero’s homicide team, things begin to unravel.
The Eldísvík Trilogy is a fast paced, riveting story of survival, loyalty, betrayal, and love in a place where the fragile balance between the legitimate and criminal worlds rests on a knife-edge. A gripping read that should appeal to fans of Margaret Atwood, Philip K Dick, J.G. Ballard, and Raymond Chandler.