If you do a quick online search of toxic or narcissistic persons, the overwhelming advice you’ll find is to cut these people out of your life. But that’s easier said than done, especially if these people are family, colleagues, or other people with whom we live or work closely.
We’ve all been around those people who can leave us feeling drained or a bit “off” after an encounter with them. Some people can leave us feeling agitated or annoyed or even just feeling really bad about ourselves. The most important thing you need to understand when dealing with someone like this is that their behavior towards you has nothing to do with you, and more often reflects what they are going through or have gone through personally. Identifying their harmful behavior is the first step to minimizing their impact. You might not be able to change what they do, but you can change what you do with it.
Humans are social beings. There is an inherent need in all of us to socialize and interact, but not everyone that walks into our lives has our best interest in their minds. Thus, we all have come across toxic individuals at least once during our time on earth. But the situation can become ugly when you are involved in a relationship with that toxic person. These unhealthy patterns hold us back and generate a lot of suffering.
This book’s main aim is to help you come out of a toxic relationship and heal from everything you have faced. The first step is acceptance, which can be accomplished with the right strategies and a supportive network of friends and family. By the time you reach the end of this book, you will have a better understanding of self-love and everything about yourself that you had lost amidst the abuse.