Set in 1976, Starboard Eight brings to life a mighty tale of adventure of a bygone era that is filled with thrill, pacey twists and turns, life lessons, and the ethos of loving the family. The book revolves around Jesse, a troubled teenager whose parents have sent him away to Blue Water School to protect him from self-annihilation and teach him discipline.
The Blue Water School is driven by the mission to divert troubled teenagers from wrong life choices and guide them towards a positive direction. It is not just about regular classroom teaching. The students here also have to serve as crew on the tall ships in the Caribbean. The new setting comes bearing demanding personal, academic, and physical challenges for Jesse and he finds it hard to cope. However, he rises to the challenge.
Based on the author’s experiences, this vital adventure offers a powerful evocation of another time and place and a compelling exploration of familial and fraternal relationships.