Deep in a mountain cave a witch is plotting mischief: “We need something small, something sly, to carry a spell . . . and then we shall see who reigns on the Black Mountain!”
The kitten Shape-Shifter is her victim. But before the charm is complete, the kitten escapes. He flees, in a terrifying chase, caught in a spell gone wrong and a shape that he cannot control. He brings disaster even to those who want to help him. Is there another power that can break the spell?
Sampson was one of the biggest influences as a writer in my early teenage years. This book is a prequel to the original tale about Pangur Ban The White Cat. Set in Celtic monastic Cymru, this story pits the new Christian beliefs agains the old ways of the Goddess. It’s full of vivid Celtic imagery, magic and prayers, and deals with basic principles such as loyalty and saving a friend. Told from multiple viewpoints, this book is still as impactful as it was when I read it first at the age of 13!