Four stories (Seven Eleven Ceremony, Crash: Seven Eleven!, Seven Eleven on a Boat, and Seven Eleven Forgotten) revolve around Alex Aronovich—a talented but profoundly discouraged soul, searching listlessly for a connection to the world around him.
In the last of these tales Seven Eleven Forgotten, Alex finds himself binge drinking to the point of hallucinations, and has an unfortunate run-in with Ana, a sharp, unscrupulous ex-girlfriend. These events lead him to what seems an inevitable trip overseas, where he finds that while the scenery is different, and perhaps more fitting to his malaise, the disorientation driving his condition remains a chronic obstacle.
Other stories (such as A TIA for Gia and Princess 7) dance eclectically and playfully around the same convenience store theme—as a painter’s subject used repeatedly, but never from the same point of view.