What if you could explain children in a fun and playful way that the plants are living beings?
“Living Green and the Spell” is an adorable book that teaches children that the trees, flowers and plants are also living beings and should be preserved.
You can read “Living Green and the Spell” to your child before bedtime every night and they will learn how valuable it is to take care of our planet. It’s a great way for your child to learn and have fun at the same time.
This book is part of the “Living Green” series, picture books for children that promote environmental awareness, respect and friendship. This fun journey will teach your child about:
– Nature and conservation
– Trees and plants are alive
– Friendship
– Respect
In the beginning of time on planet Earth, trees, flowers, bushes and all other plants could walk, talk and live a happy life. One day, a visitor came to Earth with the intention of dominating the plants. Since then, the plants can no longer move. However, they are still alive! What would have happened that day?
“Living Green and the Spell was a great book to introduce the concept of preservation of nature. I really enjoyed the ‘Hater the Emperor’ character, as well as the trees and flowers being animate objects. The moral of humans eventually ruining the planet didn’t come across as too heavy. Great book for elementary school students.” Natalie G, Reviewer NetGalley / BooksGoSocial
You won’t regret buying this nature book for kids!
– Large print designed for easy reading (ebook and paperback)
– Bright colors
– Child-friendly size: 8.5″ x 8.5″ (21.59 cm x 21.59 cm)
– ebook and paperback available in English, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish
Your children or grandchildren will love this book. It makes a perfect gift. Get your book today.