In the wake of a catastrophic meteor shower, Ren, a haunted but brilliant 17-year-old, is thrust into a fight for her life. After a tragic loss, what was meant to be a peaceful sailing trip with her family spirals into chaos when a tidal wave leaves them stranded and adrift.
Rescued after months at sea, they return to shore far from home, only to confront the terrifying presence of banshees—phantom creatures that prey on anyone caught alone. With survival hinging on safety in numbers, Ren must embark on a dangerous journey with her siblings to rescue their mother. Along the way, deep feelings ignite between Ren and a courageous Australian ally, further complicating her mission.
As Ren’s path is threatened by a desperate gang, she must navigate a treacherous wilderness where trust is fragile and loyalties are tested. Confronting her own emotional scars, the weight of leadership, and a tumultuous first love, can Ren lead her family safely back home?