In many of the occasions in life, we see everything in a simple dogmatic way.
We are used with different kinds of results and believe that these represents the only case scenarios that can happen. We want something else, but don’t really believe that life can bring us the . . . goodies.
We predict the future, according to the past.
But you know, same story, with the same elements can also have a different result than we are used to expect.
We can influence reality just by expecting something totally different that we used to have. For example, there are cases when the Universe is sending us the same lesson on and on and on, till the day when we understand that we need to do things differently to get a different result and improve everything happens.
Sometimes we are good theoreticians, sometimes we can’t even see clearly reality and understand the meaning of the events, especially the negative ones.
But having optimistic standards can help us break any problem, and in the end influence the energetic field of any situation, event, or even the energetic field of other people. And when I use the term “energetic field,” I mean the environment itself, with all its attributes that defines everything in a certain way.
I can give a simple example. I was in a morning in my garden, reading a book. I was on a chair, in a specific place from my garden, and I use to use that place by almost 10 years. From that point, I see the beauty of my garden in a specific way, but because it was a very hot day, and the sun came in that point, I had to move the chair in a different place from the garden, not to stay anymore in the sun. I was amazed. I almost saw a different garden from that position. I loved it, but everything was a totally different perspective. This was a simple case scenario . . . seeing even something beautiful, from a different angle and almost believe is something else.
But in theory, and even in practice, we can have even negative perspectives totally metamorphosized into positive one. We can change the script of any scenario, by re-evaluate everything . . . just by expecting of getting a positive result: the one we desire.
This is how, only by having an opened mind, ignoring the statistical datas from your past, the one that defines the probability of having a certain scenario: we can actually influence, but also change the reality itself. And what we define as miracle is in fact just changing the believe into the fact that life can be also the way we dare to dream.
Truth be told, the reality can be created or even re-created in any way we want it to happen. All we need to do is to connect to that energetic field, which actually means be one with the present moment and expect as everything should happen in a specific way that you want.
Even the miracle itself is just a different result, the one that we had in mind and wanted. So, realities can be defined, redefined, but also written in any specific way.
A hollywoodian movie has amazing scenes and all the scenes are a telling the details of the story . . . so that it will have a powerful message, but also powerful impact on you.
You connect with the reality of those scenes, but most probably the same scene was filmed by 5th-7th . . . even 15th times, till they considered they had the perfect one.
The same way, certain events could be redefined by us, just by meditating, finding the best solution for that event and then implemented in the real life.
And try . . . and try again . . . till the moment it just happens.