In “ICE,” renowned archaeologist Dr. Leah Andrews stumbles upon a captivating Native American cliff dwelling in New Mexico that has remained untouched for 800 years. She discovers ancient human remains alongside rare granite crystals within its enigmatic confines—remarkably similar to those found only in Antarctica.
To decode this extraordinary mystery, Leah enlists the help of her estranged husband, expert climber Jack Hobson. Their expedition to the frozen continent leads to a remarkable find that has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of history and science. Yet, as their discovery garners worldwide attention, a fierce geopolitical struggle erupts, pushing nations to the edge of conflict.
Ice is the thrilling first installment of Kevin Tinto’s series, seamlessly intertwining archaeology, adventure, and political intrigue. Celebrated as the Action/Adventure category winner in the 2016 Next Generation Indie Awards, this novel invites you to embark on an exhilarating quest from the sun-baked deserts of New Mexico to the chilling expanses of Antarctica. Here, ancient secrets wait to be unveiled, with the power to transform the future of humanity.