Do you struggle with big questions like what is Truth? Or even smaller ones, like the best way to make a difficult choice? Maybe to go forward, you need to step back . . . about 2,000 years.
Journey back to ancient Greece, where profound minds carved the path to enlightenment.
We unravel the captivating narratives of two legendary philosophers, Socrates and Plato.
Picture the bustling agora, echoes of dialectics resonating against marble pillars, as Socrates challenges minds and Plato delves into the essence of truth.
As you turn the pages, you’ll traverse the cobblestone streets of Athens, witness the birth of philosophical inquiry, and sit in the company of two thinkers whose wisdom transcends millennia.
Socrates, the enigmatic gadfly of Athens, ignites intellectual flames with his relentless questioning.
Plato, his student and torchbearer, paints intricate tapestries of truth with philosophical dialogues that echo through the corridors of time.