Eight months ago, seventeen-year-old, regular high-school student Laney Carter saved the multiverse. But now she can’t remember. To make matters worse, her alternate world selves have begun “The Bleed,” wreaking havoc on her lifeāan unexpected side effect from her previous journey to the other parallel world.
Luckily, tall, hot, and brooding Noah Donovan is back to take her to his world again, and a team of genius friends in the New World are endeavoring to get her memory back and formulate a cure.
And Laney needs one, fast.
A veiled organization called “The Alliance” doesn’t want her in their world. Laney has been displaced, in clear violation of the laws of spacetime. An anomaly. One that needs to be corrected.
Laney needs to fix her condition before “The Bleed” takes over completely. Or before “The Alliance” fixes her themselves. Permanently.