Discover the secrets underlying one of the greatest of all ancient legends, that of a hidden society of enlightened masters living deep in the Himalayas, revealing knowledge that for long millenniums has remained hidden in silence.
On an extended trek in that immense wilderness, explorer M.G. Hawking encountered a tiny village nestled below massive ice peaks. There he had the privilege of meeting extraordinary men and women—introduced to him as “masters” and “adepts”—possessed of powers virtually unknown to the Western world.
The groundbreaking narratives in this book take you on a voyage through space and time, from the vast peaks of the Himalayan Range to the deserts of Egypt at the very dawn of civilization, for the origin of the masters’ knowledge is ancient.
Revealing the fundamental nature of all reality, this knowledge presents a description so integral and all-inclusive that it applies to everything, whether visible or invisible, human or divine. It embraces three traditionally contrasted, if not completely separable, areas of ability: 1) The experience of unity or oneness with the Ultimate, commonly interpreted as God, Infinite Being, All-That-Is, etc.; 2) The extension of knowing (extrasensory perception, telepathy); and 3) The extension of doing (psychokinesis, telekinesis). These abilities utilize the power of consciousness acting beyond the field of human activity as usually recognized in the Western world.
Over the centuries, these concepts have inevitably generated controversy. In modern times, advanced technologies have dramatically enlarged our comprehension of the universe as compelling discoveries emerged one after another from breakthroughs in physics.
Transcribed from explorer M.G. Hawking’s journals detailing his experiences in remote regions of Nepal and Tibet, the material presented in this book discloses his encounters and discussions with the legendary sages and masters of the Himalayas. Includes a comprehensive anthology from nine books.