Doctor Leviathan volume one is a horror superhero graphic novel that tells three stories about a world overrun with madmen, monsters, and cyborg assassins. This world finds out that it will take another monster to deal with these other monsters. This monster’s name is Doctor Leviathan. The first story involves a group of criminals who kidnap a young girl. She is the daughter of a criminal judge and they plan to get revenge against the judge by executing her on live television.
The second story is about a man who becomes a priest to escape his criminal past. He soon finds out that he can’t escape his past evil deeds so easily, and a city may be destroyed because of it.
The third story takes place in old Detroit and is about the disappearance of super criminals all over the city. The police are baffled but not unhappy that these monsters have met their demise. They also realize that whatever is killing off the super criminals may eventually turn on mankind.