It is not always possible for modern medicines to cure us of every condition or complaint we have. The fact is that many of the dugs we are prescribed by our doctors simply don’t work to cure us and at best can only lessen the impact of diseases on our bodies. But there are alternatives to what your doctor can give you and many of these have been used by indigenous people for centuries to great effect.
Inside Discover the Power of Herbalism: How to Use Alternative Medicine and Herbalism to Heal Yourself for a Better Life, you can find a range of alternative therapies and remedies for a wide range of conditions, with chapters that cover:
- The difference between modern and alternative medicines
- Home-based therapies such as hypnosis, meditation and yoga
- Medicines used by indigenous peoples
- Homeopathy and naturopathy
- Clinical prevention practices
- Using placebos
- Making sure what you do is safe at all times
- And lots more . . .
As with anything we take to help alleviate suffering, using any alternative medicine or therapy should always be weighed up against potential side effects. But the good news is that many of these are completely natural and our bodies are designed to work with them.