Most people are stunned when informed there is not a definition for normal in Emotional Wellness (mental health). This absence of a definition leaves the client subject to labeling via diagnosis, getting drug through the junk yard of their past, and caught in a perpetual cycle of therapy and medication without any measurable outcomes. All of this leads to being unnecessarily stigmatized.
When normal is defined, a clear objective can be established, outcomes can be measured, and diagnosis and labeling are no longer necessary. All of this leads to a higher level of scrutiny of the practitioner and begins the elimination of stigma. The complete elimination of stigma is done simply by being honest about the term used when seeking treatment.
People seek out psychologists and psychiatrists because they want to change the way they feel not because they are mentally ill and by definition a thought process cannot be an illness or disease. Therefore, changing the terms mental health and mental illness to Emotional Wellness brings integrity and a sense of focus to what is now called mental health.
With over 100 medical references, the Burris Process represents a scientific breakthrough in Emotional, Physical and Spiritual Health, and it does this without a diagnosis or personal history and while measuring outcomes.