A Murder Mystery unfolds as Cyclone Tracy destroys Australia’s northernmost city.
Mercenaries, misfits and criminals on the run thrived in the chaos that followed Cyclone Tracy in 1974. The perfect environment to turn a mixed-up teenager into an outlaw.
As Aedan struggles with adolescence and school, a cyclone destroys his city and any resemblance of normal life disappears. He leaves home, buys a motorbike and is thrust violently into adulthood, in a wild, lawless environment. Then he meets Eva, the woman of his dreams and a gifted lady who attempts to guide him through the obstacles.
But Darwin is full of very dangerous people and as an impressionable youth, Aedan keeps bad company and is led into violent crime. When their local dealer is murdered, Eva becomes involved, putting both her and Aedan squarely in the crosshairs of a vicious killer, who now has them on his list.
“Aedan and Eva are well-developed characters, strong, and knowledgable. The storyline is well written and has lots of suspense, drama, action, violence, murder, and mystery.” Amazon Reviewer
A murder mystery with a real outback Australian flavour.