In this second installment of The Peacemaker Series, Rhykin, the son of the high priest of an alien planet and heir apparent to his father’s reign, continues his exile on Earth. Meanwhile, supposedly good aliens have agreed to develop a new industry for our planet. Massive production facilities manufacture beautiful dream-endings for those aliens coming to the end of their lives. They are fueled by the energy of sleeping humans, and millions are employed in the endeavor. Victor Encinas, the Peacemaker, is now working as a liaison between Earth and the aliens. He discovers is that, in addition to Dream Factories, the aliens have also created Nightmare Factories which generate horrific worlds that torture and punish political enemies.
After his father’s death, Rhykin finally ascends to power and demands that everyone convert to his depraved religion. Those who will not are sent to the Nightmare Factories. Of course, Rhykin still desires Gaby though she has married Victor and had a son. Victor struggles to protect his wife and all humanity against the alien forces, supporting and then joining a resistance movement dedicated to eradicating Rhykin’s cruel priesthood. Of course, mere resistance cannot stop the monster, and soon it seems that even the Earth itself must play a part.