This is a collection of a novelette and twelve short stories. The title story, A Tapestry of Tears, is set in the nineteenth century. A young couple from an affluent background fights against the time honored tradition of female infanticide. In another story, Division into Two, a family is torn apart by the brutal partition of British-ruled India into India and Pakistan. Told through the voices of an estranged aunt and nephew, it reveals the human tragedy that is often a fallout of social strife.
The other stories also deal with social issues and family relationships.
A Muslim woman suffers when the mujahedeen drive out the Hindu midwife. A grieving husband resents the presence of his new daughter-in-law. Deafness has nothing to do with communication in a marriage, or does it?
Then there is the husband who drives his wife crazy with his obsessive cleaning, the man who loves playing mind games at his wife’s expense, and a family that struggles with the decision to move the aged mother into a home.