Stephanie Morgana, a young woman with a rare gift, yearns for a life beyond the crumbling walls of her poverty-stricken city. She dreams of harnessing her magic, of soaring through virtual skies, and leaving her mark on a world that undervalues her.
But when she’s offered a chance to train in a virtual reality world, Stephanie uncovers a hidden talent, a power that could change the course of history.
Thrust into a dangerous game, she must battle Dreth pirates in the ruins of alien landscapes, master ancient spells under the glow of Meligorn’s purple moons, and unlock the secrets of her own mind.
Beset by corporations and governments vying for control of her power, Stephanie must make impossible choices.
Will she rise to become the leader she was destined to be? Or will her magic be the key to unleashing a devastating darkness?
Experience the complete Witch of the Federation series, where magic and technology collide in an epic battle for the fate of civilization.