Lady Amanda Golightly of Belchester Towers is a person in complete contrast to the stereotypical image of one of her breeding. She is short, portly, and embarrassingly forthright. If she wasn’t calling a spade a shovel, it was only because she was calling it ‘trumps’!
On a visit to a local nursing home where an old business partner of her father’s is residing, she unexpectedly discovers a long-lost friend, Hugo Cholmondley-Crichton-Crump—and stumbles upon murder as well.
Installing Hugo in the more civilised and comfortable surroundings of Belchester Towers, the pair turn to sleuthing after Lady Amanda reports her appalling discovery to the local police inspector and is incensed when he treats her as a silly old biddy with an over-active imagination. Her outrage prompts her to teach the impertinent young whipper-snapper a lesson, and she and Hugo (Zimmer frame in tow) embark upon their first investigation, only for murder to become a distressingly frequent occurrence . . .