Maze of Destiny paints a vivid picture of a Syrian family struggling to survive amidst the chaos and brutality of war. Mullah Abdullah, a respected imam, sees his peaceful world shattered when a bombing devastates his mosque. Injured and grappling with fear, he must confront the terrifying reality of a war that spares neither places of worship nor human lives.
Meanwhile, his wife Amani faces a mother’s worst nightmare: their daughter, Zahra, has been kidnapped. As Amani desperately seeks news of her daughter and tends to her injured husband, Zahra finds unexpected solace in her friendship with George, a Christian whose kindness offers a glimmer of hope in a darkening world.
When Mullah Abdullah recovers, his devotion to his family leads him to accept a dangerous mission: infiltrate a ruthless organization believed to be behind Zahra’s disappearance. Forced to confront his deepest fears, he endures unimaginable torture as he struggles to uncover the truth about his daughter’s fate.
Maze of Destiny offers a glimpse into the human cost of war and the enduring power of the human spirit.