Yes, it’s that time of year. Are you planning to set some New Year’s resolutions that will help you grow as an author and sell more books? Check out some of these ideas!
I resolve to . . .
- Create and keep to a writing schedule and let my family and friends know about the schedule.
- Reach a realistic writing goal (such as writing a new first draft, finishing a side project, publishing a certain number of books, etc.).
- Start that new writing project that I’ve been wanting to work on.
- Try my hand at outlining my next book.
- Try writing a book in a different genre.
- Increase the number of words per minute that I can write.
- Buy and read The Chicago Manual of Style to better understand copyediting rules and better edit my novels.
- Complete a character questionnaire for each of the main characters in my next novel.
- Always carry a notebook or other way of jotting down book ideas.
I resolve to . . .
- Learn a new skill or hobby that one of my characters will have in an upcoming book.
- Always take the stairs, to lead to a healthier me.
- Practice a new way to reduce stress, such as meditating, going on a walk, exercising, or doing breathing exercises.
- Snack on vegetables rather than chips, crackers, or candy between meals.
- Never leave an open bag of food on my writing desk; rather, put portion sizes on a plate to control mindless snacking.
- Buy and use an ergonomic keyboard or standing desk.
- Use a blue light filter on my computer to protect my eyes.
Marketing and Outreach
I resolve to . . .
- Increase my social media reach, such as doubling my Facebook followers.
- Make 5 new author/writer friends, so we can support each other with ideas, editing, and encouragement.
- Join a writers’ group or book club.
- Self-publish and market a new book (if you haven’t done it before).
- Redesign my older book covers so they better match the current market and will sell better.
- Get 50 reviews on one of my books that has fewer reviews.
- Post twice a month on my author blog.
- Write 5 guests posts for popular blogs.
I resolve to . . .
- Keep my writing desk organized.
- Go on a trip that will inspire more novels.
What New Year’s resolutions have you made for 2023? We’d love to hear in the comments below!